Thursday, December 18, 2014

NC Museum of Art


Double Hearts

     I made a clay sculpture based on the artwork "Gyre," created by Thomas Sayre,
at the NC art museum.  Gyre is an outdoor sculpture of three ellipses.  It was created in 1999 out of concrete, iron oxide, steel, and dirt.  It's about 25 feet tall and located in Raleigh.  I was drawn to this piece because of its modern look.  

Fun Fact: Gyre was derived from the word Gyration, which means spiral, vortex, or tornado.
When I was first coming up with ideas I wanted to go along with the 3 shapes standing up on a flat surface.  When trying to execute this plan, I found it hard to make the heart shapes stand up.  So, I scrapped it and went with the one heart and a mini heart.  I carved almost a moat around the mini heart so it could hold jewelry or something.  The purpose of the mini heart was to keep the illusion that Gyre has.  When you look at Gyre from different angles it looks completely different, so that's what I tried to accomplish in my work.

(Final Picture coming soon! It's in the kiln right now.)

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