Art 1 Final Portfolio

1.    Which project was your favorite or most successful this semester? Please explain.
Clay Tile-  My favorite and most successful project was the Clay Tile.  I started out with a slab of clay, and turned it into a tile that I had visualized before starting.  I feel like the tile came out exactly how I had wanted it to.  Making the whale part of the clay was actually one of the easier parts for me because it’s just a mound of clay, hollowed out.  I was very careful to make sure all my clay pieces were hollow and had places the air could escape out of.  I was slightly paranoid that my clay would blow up and ruin everyone else’s in the process.  Once everything was done in the kiln, painting was a walk in the park.  The colors could be whatever you wanted them to be, which made me get a little creative with highlights and tints.  The white ice mountains in the background look more pinkish than white, which gives the tile the interesting look it needed.  After I added the final gloss to the tile, I knew this was my favorite and most successful project yet.

 2.    Regardless of whether you liked or disliked a project, which one did you learn, grow, or developed the most from? Please explain.
Landscape Painting- I learned and developed the most from the Landscape Painting.  My landscape painting is a scene of an Italy coast in the middle of a warm, sunny summer day.  Painting and planning this project really tied art one together.  I learned how all the colors of the color wheel mixed together would make different colors.  Also, that you can make any color in the world by using the primary colors as well as black and white.  I learned that references are a big help, even if you’re just looking at some aspects of the picture.  References help to guide you and sometimes give you more ideas.  The landscape painting also required sketching it out, and really imagining how it will turn out before you started.  I truly learned a lot from this painting.

3.    Choose 1 piece of Art that you used skills and techniques learned from previous projects. Discuss your growth as an artist and how you incorporated these skills and techniques to create the piece.
Frog Tongue- I used so many skills I have already used for other projects again in the creation of the frog tongue.  This project was done in Photoshop and before this I had designed an iPad drawing and an Angry Pancake photo, also on the computer.  Making the frog the correct tongue texture and color I thought was going to be so hard, until the instruction video said there was a tool that could do it easily.  Thank god for that video, because without it, I wounldn't have known what I was doing.  I used many of the same tools to mess with the color, hue, saturation, and blur of the tongue as I did with the pancake picture.  Creating computer art is actually harder than you would imagine.This frog tongue project re-addressed the skills I need to make any more art on the computer. All of the techniques I use now have really helped me to grow as an "artist."

4.    Which project do you feel was the least important in learning the concepts taught in this course? Please explain.
Cartoon Skeleton- I feel that the cartoon skeleton was the least important in learning and understanding the concepts of this course.  It was one of the first projects and didn’t really teach me anything that I could use in any other projects or in much more art.  There were no skills needed to do this project, although I did enjoy doing it.  Drawing the basic outline was a must, and then the art part of it was deciding how you were going to alter the bones to make it more original.  This project didn't take much thinking and imagining like all the other projects this semester.  Actually drawing the picture was eeeaassyyyy.  This project finished looked alright, but it was't anything that bowled me over.  The only thing I got out of doing this project was learning how everything needs to flow and fit together, and that I finished with a pretty goodPooh Bear skeleton. 

5.    Choose a piece or artwork where the subject matter reflects you as an artist. One that you have a personal connection to. Please explain your choice.
Print- In my opinion, my print project reflects me the most as an artist.  I really enjoy making art with the subject of animals.  I usually already have an idea of what the animal looks like, so it’s fun to find references and expand on what you think you already know.  I knew I wanted to pick an animal that is common, but then a different species of that animal that gave you a little different view than what you would normally imagine.  My Mandarin fish had a very cool ‘wavy’ pattern on its body that caught my attention when I was looking for a reference.  I loved using the brayer and bench-hook to create art because it was simple and fun.  Once a few of my classmates were creating multiple colored prints, I was hooked on the pink and white on the black paper.   There were so many color combinations that you could choose from, and that really intrigued me.  I liked that fact that everyone had to pick just 2 or 3 colors, so it really showed personality in the colors everyone picked.  The print project was one of my favorites and if I was an artist, I’d do something like this again.

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